Just Walking
Michele Losi
Nov. 2023
Our contact in the holy mountain Hikosan: The Hermitage Shujobo 英彦山守静坊にご協力いただきました
『Just Walking』はキャンプシラーゴ・レジデンザを主宰し、自らも劇作家であるミケーレ・ロシの最新の演目です。今回の来日目的はこの作品の脚本を創作するための調査と体を通した学びにありました。そしてミケーレと共に滞在したキャンプシラーゴの専任ミュージシャンであるルカ・マリア・バルディーニとOmnicent 田中徳崇が、このプログラム用に音楽を書き下ろします。
"Just Walking" is the latest work by Michele Losi, a playwright and the director of the theatre company Campsirago Residenza. Michele’s primary focus of this time’s visit was to do the research and experiential learning to create the script for this production. Accompanied by Michele, Luca Maria Baldini, the designated musician of Campsirago, and Omnicent's Noritaka Tanaka are to compose original music for this program.
We started off by learning from Michele about the concept and the storyline of this program.
Nori and Luca set up equipment in a local collaborator's studio and worked on music production daily until the early morning hours.
Mr. Nomiyama accompanied Michele with his friend zen Monk Seigaku through part of a pilgrimage of 100 km.
次に、ミケーレは霊山英彦山に滞在し、森の中で静かな時間を過ごしながら作品の世界を深めました。英彦山の宿坊『守静坊』を管理する野見山広明さんのご厚意により、滞在が可能になりました。初日はOmnicent 田中と馬場も同行。その後ミケーレが単独で5日間過ごした後、最終日には参加者を募って制作途中の作品のデモンストレーションを行います。
Michele stayed at the sacred Mount Hiko, immersing himself in the world of his work while spending quiet moments in the forest. To show gratitude to Mr. Hiroyaki Nomiyama, who manages the hermitage Shujobou, Omnicent's Nori and Ryoko accompanied Michele on the first day. After spending five days alone, Michele would conclude his stay by giving demonstrations of the work in progress to audience gathered by Mr. Nomiyama.
Participants first listen to Michele's explanation, then put on headphones and silently walk in a single file. For this demonstration, three out of twelve themes were selected. As participants follow the route set by Michele, the theme music composed by Nori and Luca plays through the headphones. The structured experience aims to synchronize thoughts with input from eyes, ears, and the senses, along with the rhythm of walking, creating a meditative state as participants walk while listening to the music.
ミケーレはこの後数ヶ月をかけて作品を仕上げ、24年には完成した作品を携えて再度 Omnicent を訪れて広く一般の参加者向けに発表を行う予定です。また Omnicent としては、アーティストとの交流を通して協力体制が育まれてきた徳積財団や野見山さんとの今後の連携も楽しみなところです。
Michele plans to refine the work over the next few months and return to Omnicent in 2024 to present the completed piece to a wider audience, including the general public. Omnicent looks forward to ongoing collaboration with the Tokutsumi Foundation and its director Mr. Nomiyama, fostering a cooperative relationship through artists’ exchange.